Saturday, January 19, 2013



I started 2013 like any other year, with a list of resolutions to better myself.  Many are personal and geared toward graduate school work, but just like many other people, I included "exercise more and more consistently" on my list.  Being an exercise physiology graduate student and former personal trainer, the last resolution should be a no-brainer, but like many people I need a plan to stay on track.  So, I decided to set a goal of running a half marathon for 2013.

The half marathon I will run is the ING Hartford Half Marathon in October.  Now, October is a long way away and I want my resolution to include consistency in my work outs and exercise, so I decided to add two 5K races and two 10K races to my running goals for the year.

This bring us to my blog.  When I was a personal trainer, accountability was a motivating factor for many of my clients.  Knowing that you have someone watching over you, pushing you to do more than you could, and inspiring you to push harder motivated my clients to work hard and achieve their goals.  It's one thing for me to say that I'm going to do all these races, but putting it on paper (or, I guess, in this case, a blog) will keep me on track and motivate me to continue on my goal.  Plus, I have the opportunity to share my experience with others and, hopefully, be able to motivate others to set their own fitness goals.

The first races for me this year will be two 5K's in March: Max's O'Hartford on March 17th and Sandy Hook Run for the Families on March 23rd.  To prepare for this distance I will be following a couch to 5K running plan from  It starts off easy, which works great for me because I HATE running in cold weather and I haven't ran since October.  My first day is tomorrow and the forecast predicts a high of 44 with gusty winds....thank goodness I only have to run for 20 minutes!  Check back tomorrow to see if I made it.

Here are a few words that I try to live each day by: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; Live the life you've imagined" Henry David Thoreau.  Thanks for reading about my journey and I look forward sharing more and hearing from you!

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